Social Return on Investment

Social Impact Assessment of the Entrepreneurship Education Program “JA Company Programme"

SROI SOCIAL RETURN ON INVESTMENT Social Impact Assessment of the Entrepreneurship Education Program “JA Company Programme”

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JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT ITALY Junior Achievement (JA) is the largest non-pro昀椀t organiza琀椀on in the world preparing young people for entrepreneurship and their professional future through hands-on experien琀椀al learning methods and programs. In 2002 JA arrived in Italy with the aim of taking an ac琀椀ve role in modernizing educa琀椀on. Today it is an ecosystem of over 50 founding members, suppor琀椀ng members, partners and sponsors who, via a mul琀椀-stakeholder approach, share the same mission. VISIT OUR WEBSITE JA ITALIA 2020/2021 IN NUMBERS Since 2019 Junior Achievement has been selected among the Top 500 NGOs in the world, ranking 7th. By applying a rigorous methodology, NGO Advisor draws up every year the Top 500 NGOs list, which acknowledges the most important NGOs in the world for impact, 3.6M 148K innova琀椀on and governance. TRAINING HOURS STUDENTS 1.079 2.055 VOLUNTEERS TEACHERS 90 20+ DISTRICTS EDUCATIONAL INITIATIVES

JA Company Programme The most popular secondary school entrepreneurship education program For 18 years JA Company Programme has involved over 115K Italian students, over 12.5K in the school year 2020/2021 and over 400K every year throughout Europe. The par琀椀cipa琀椀ng classes create mini-companies for training purposes and manage them from concept development to launch on the market. Comprehensive guidance is provided by teachers and volunteering “Dream Coaches” who share with the team of students personal and professional experiences and skills acquired working for a company or freelancing. Rich in tried-and-tested contents and tools, this process o昀昀ers a professionalizing experience in close contact with companies and the outside world. Being ac琀椀on-based and close to the real world, the program supports the development of a set of technical and transversal skills, which prove to be essen琀椀al for all young people, regardless of their future work inclina琀椀ons. The learning method follows the experien琀椀al learning-by-doing principle and is able to arouse enthusiasm and the ac琀椀ve involvement of all par琀椀cipants. JA Company Programme 2020/2021 IN NUMBERS SCHOOL CATEGORY GEOGRAPHICAL AREA 60% +12K 36% 36% 28% STUDENTS 21% 19% 436 High Technical Voca琀椀onal North Center South DREAM COACHES VISIT THE PROGRAM’S WEBPAGE school school school

SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT HUMAN FOUNDATION OF JA COMPANY PROGRAMME Face to the great changes a昀昀ec琀椀ng today’s society and the overall feeling of uncertainty Human Founda琀椀on is a nonpro昀椀t organiza琀椀on promo琀椀ng innova琀椀ve solu琀椀ons to the when it comes to future trends, the produc琀椀on of empirical evidence concerning social ever increasing social needs. It supports the collabora琀椀on between companies, public impact is key to the orienta琀椀on and guidance of poli琀椀cal decisions, investment choices as administra琀椀ons, social enterprises, founda琀椀ons, public and private investors, economic well as the behavior of organiza琀椀ons and individuals. operators and the world of 昀椀nance to disseminate a culture of social innova琀椀on based on the assessment of impact 昀椀nance. We believe that such decisions need to be based on reliable informa琀椀on helping to understand whether and how our ac琀椀ons actually contribute to improving lives in our communi琀椀es. In the 昀椀eld of educa琀椀on, the issue is especially delicate, since investments in educa琀椀on have far-reaching implica琀椀ons both in the short and in the long term, in昀氀uencing the social and economic well-being of the ci琀椀zens of tomorrow. For this reason, in 2017, thanks to the support and experience of the Human Founda琀椀on, we launched a mul琀椀-year process of social impact assessment of the JA Company Programme based on the SROI (Social Return on Investment) methodology. The SROI method allows to quan琀椀fy and assign a monetary value to change which is being created and to measure the acquisi琀椀on and increase of skills in the various stakeholders of the program: students, volunteers and teachers. THE SROI METHODOLOGY The SROI methodology allows to assess and understand the impact generated by projects promo琀椀ng social change. This method allows to quan琀椀fy and assign a 昀椀nancial value to these changes, thus determining the overall monetary value and underscoring the rela琀椀onship between investments and generated social value.

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VOLUNTEERS THE SAMPLE OF ANALYSIS THE IMPACT ON SKILLS In 2018/2019 the analysis focused exclusively on the volunteers, examining a sample of Par琀椀cipa琀椀on in JA Company Programme generates posi琀椀ve change in volunteers of at least 40%* 109 Dream Coaches out of a total popula琀椀on of 304 volunteers enrolled in the Enterprise on 5 dimensions of change including transversal skills, coaching and leadership skills, adap琀椀vity, in JA Company Programme in 2018/19. ac琀椀ve ci琀椀zenship and rela琀椀onship with one’s work. Among the main bene昀椀ts generated one 昀椀nds the increase of the ability to adapt to new and challenging contexts as well as team coaching and leadership skills when developing the tools to communicate with and mo琀椀vate students, guiding and nurturing their ideas. GENDER SAMPLE OF ANALYSIS TRANSVERSAL SKILLS ATTITUDES RELATION WITH ONE’S JOB 54% 36% +61% +59% +70% +55% Team - working Communica琀椀on Adap琀椀vity to new contexts Sa琀椀sfac琀椀on in daily work 46% TEAM COACHING AND LEADERSHIP ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP Male Female 109 Dream Coaches equal to 36% of all volunteers enrolled in the program +68% +40% +71% +59% GEOGRAPHIC AREA Finding In昀氀uencing and Greater feeling Greater feeling of being compromises Persuading of gra琀椀昀椀ca琀椀on socially ac琀椀ve South 25% *% of volunteers experiencing signi昀椀cant change Center 32% RETURN ON INVESTMENT North 43% For every euro invested through corporate volunteering the social return is more than double, equal to € 2.46, las琀椀ng two years. €1 €2,46

TEACHERS THE SAMPLE OF ANALYSIS In line with work carried out in previous years on students and Dream Coaches, in the school year 2020/2021 the analysis focused on teachers, observing, measuring and assessing the impact of the implementa琀椀on of the program on them. The survey involved 126 teachers, out of a total popula琀椀on of 170 teachers enrolled in JA Company Programme 2020/2021. GENDER GEOGRAPHICAL AREA AGE 34% 36% 44% South 23% 20% Center 40% 9% 56% 37% North 1% Men Women 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-65 than y.o. y.o. y.o. y.o. 65 y.o. TYPE OF SCHOOL CURRICULUM YEARS OF EXPERIENCE WITH JA COMPANY PROGRAMME 59% 45% 37% Four years 20% and up Three 13% 18% 23% 18% years Two 16% years First 51% Humani琀椀es Sciences Mixed* year High Technical Voca琀椀onal school school school *Sport sciences, Nau琀椀cal sciences and technologies, etc.

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The overall analysis highlights how the program is able to generate signi昀椀cant changes not only Return on Investment thanks to the acquisi琀椀on of technical skills—which contribute to the development of professional and human growth connected to the overall acquisi琀椀on of greater entrepreneurship—but also, The SROI analysis shows how the JA Company Programme program manages to create a posi琀椀ve net social value for the enrolled teachers and for the community in general. from a human point of view, thanks to its posi琀椀ve impact on student-teacher rapport, on the For every euro invested in the program ac琀椀vi琀椀es, in fact, 2.71 euro of social bene昀椀t was ability to involve students and to establish long-las琀椀ng posi琀椀ve and enriching rela琀椀onships with them. generated. €1 €2,71 TECHNICAL SKILLS +75% +71% Entrepreneurship Teaching Knowledge and Skills Innova琀椀on Skills RELATIONAL SKILLS +85% +80% Students Teacher-Student Involvement Skills Rapport TRANSVERSAL SKILLS +77% +77% +75% Organisa琀椀onal Open-Mindedness Problem Skills Solving

CONTACT DETAILS BASE Milan, Via Bergognone 24, 20144 Milano [email protected]

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