TEACHERS THE SAMPLE OF ANALYSIS In line with work carried out in previous years on students and Dream Coaches, in the school year 2020/2021 the analysis focused on teachers, observing, measuring and assessing the impact of the implementa琀椀on of the program on them. The survey involved 126 teachers, out of a total popula琀椀on of 170 teachers enrolled in JA Company Programme 2020/2021. GENDER GEOGRAPHICAL AREA AGE 34% 36% 44% South 23% 20% Center 40% 9% 56% 37% North 1% Men Women 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-65 than y.o. y.o. y.o. y.o. 65 y.o. TYPE OF SCHOOL CURRICULUM YEARS OF EXPERIENCE WITH JA COMPANY PROGRAMME 59% 45% 37% Four years 20% and up Three 13% 18% 23% 18% years Two 16% years First 51% Humani琀椀es Sciences Mixed* year High Technical Voca琀椀onal school school school *Sport sciences, Nau琀椀cal sciences and technologies, etc.

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