JA Company Programme The most popular secondary school entrepreneurship education program For 18 years JA Company Programme has involved over 115K Italian students, over 12.5K in the school year 2020/2021 and over 400K every year throughout Europe. The par琀椀cipa琀椀ng classes create mini-companies for training purposes and manage them from concept development to launch on the market. Comprehensive guidance is provided by teachers and volunteering “Dream Coaches” who share with the team of students personal and professional experiences and skills acquired working for a company or freelancing. Rich in tried-and-tested contents and tools, this process o昀昀ers a professionalizing experience in close contact with companies and the outside world. Being ac琀椀on-based and close to the real world, the program supports the development of a set of technical and transversal skills, which prove to be essen琀椀al for all young people, regardless of their future work inclina琀椀ons. The learning method follows the experien琀椀al learning-by-doing principle and is able to arouse enthusiasm and the ac琀椀ve involvement of all par琀椀cipants. JA Company Programme 2020/2021 IN NUMBERS SCHOOL CATEGORY GEOGRAPHICAL AREA 60% +12K 36% 36% 28% STUDENTS 21% 19% 436 High Technical Voca琀椀onal North Center South DREAM COACHES VISIT THE PROGRAM’S WEBPAGE school school school

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