SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT HUMAN FOUNDATION OF JA COMPANY PROGRAMME Face to the great changes a昀昀ec琀椀ng today’s society and the overall feeling of uncertainty Human Founda琀椀on is a nonpro昀椀t organiza琀椀on promo琀椀ng innova琀椀ve solu琀椀ons to the when it comes to future trends, the produc琀椀on of empirical evidence concerning social ever increasing social needs. It supports the collabora琀椀on between companies, public impact is key to the orienta琀椀on and guidance of poli琀椀cal decisions, investment choices as administra琀椀ons, social enterprises, founda琀椀ons, public and private investors, economic well as the behavior of organiza琀椀ons and individuals. operators and the world of 昀椀nance to disseminate a culture of social innova琀椀on based on the assessment of impact 昀椀nance. We believe that such decisions need to be based on reliable informa琀椀on helping to understand whether and how our ac琀椀ons actually contribute to improving lives in our communi琀椀es. In the 昀椀eld of educa琀椀on, the issue is especially delicate, since investments in educa琀椀on have far-reaching implica琀椀ons both in the short and in the long term, in昀氀uencing the social and economic well-being of the ci琀椀zens of tomorrow. For this reason, in 2017, thanks to the support and experience of the Human Founda琀椀on, we launched a mul琀椀-year process of social impact assessment of the JA Company Programme based on the SROI (Social Return on Investment) methodology. The SROI method allows to quan琀椀fy and assign a monetary value to change which is being created and to measure the acquisi琀椀on and increase of skills in the various stakeholders of the program: students, volunteers and teachers. THE SROI METHODOLOGY The SROI methodology allows to assess and understand the impact generated by projects promo琀椀ng social change. This method allows to quan琀椀fy and assign a 昀椀nancial value to these changes, thus determining the overall monetary value and underscoring the rela琀椀onship between investments and generated social value.

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