Junior Achievement Foundation

Four years measuring the efcacy of Junior Achievement Programmes

Impact study JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT FOUNDATION LONGITUDINAL STUDY Four years measuring the efcacy of Junior Achievement Programmes

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programmes and the Foundation’s glob- ׀.1. Background al activities both annually and longitudinally. and justification The longitudinal results are shared in this re- port for the rst time. From a continuous improvement per- This type of evaluation is possible because spective, the Junior Achievement Foun- the programmes have a number of com- ׀.٪Introduction to the dation has been conducting this research mon, cross-cutting features. Some of these project for the last four years in collabora- common features include the “Learn by longitudinal report: four years٪ tion with the University of Murcia. Over the Doing”* methodology used by the Jun- years, annual results were obtained from ior Achievement Foundation or the cross- demonstrate our impact the evaluations. For example, a report was cutting work on non-cognitive skills and published for the 2016-2017 academic year executive functions. Non- cognitive skills (fundacionjaes.org/estudio_impacto) with are those which are not related to the acqui- the aim of sharing and presenting these an- sition of theor etical knowledge, such as au- nual results. tonomy, the capacity for personal initiative Thanks to these evaluations and our re- or leadership, the capacity to make, man- search, there is scientic evidence to sup- age and plan decisions, critical and creative port the long-term effectiveness of our thinking, exibility and adaptation to context programmes and this allows us to design and change, teamwork, and the possession high-impact educational programmes. This and reinforcement of values and attitudes in study analyses the real effects on the stu- line with ethics and society, etc. dent beneciaries of these educa t i onal JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT PROGRAMMES • Financial literacy • Education in entrepreneurship • Career guidance LONGITUDINAL STUDY Evidence and positive impact For four years we have worked tirelessly to compile surveys and results from more than OBJECTIVES ACHIEVED that Junior Achievement training 12,400 students from all over Spain attending 382 educational institutions (public, private • Generation of opportunities has on youth and state subsidised schools, universities, day centres and reception centres) which have • Orientation of youth • Financial education supported us and opened the doors of their classrooms to allow us to measure the impact • Equal opportunities of 14 educational programmes of the Junior Achievement Foundation covering all educa- tional levels from primary to university education. This report, a compilation of the results of our work, aims to share not only the main con- clusions but also the lessons learned along the way. SOME RESULTS One of the most innovative aspects of this report is its longitudinal approach, which is GREATEST IMPACT • +10-20% academic performance presented here for the rst time thanks to the yearslong monitoring to assess the impact of • Youth from disadvantaged socio-eco- • +6.5% educational expectations the Junior Achievement Foundation’s educational programmes on students. nomic backgrounds • -10-30% truancy • Youth with lower academic achieve- • +22% entrepreneurial spirit ment • + 37% growth mindset • Youth who are held back • Youth who have previously received 8 Impact study Junior Achievement training

This research is therefore intended to pro- Some of the aspects that characterise a ׀.3. How do we pated. An example of the various statistical vide scientic evidence to support the ben- longitudinal study such as this one are as fol- tools that minimise possible mea surement ets of Junior Achievement’s metho dology lows, among many others: do it? Methodology errors are studies 2440 and 2753 by the and programmes, highlighting the impor- used Spanish Centre for Sociological Research tance of education for developing these • The same group of people is followed (Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas , skills, which are ultimately what will ensure over a long period of time. This research on the impact of the Junior CIS), which report on the opinions held by the well-being and happiness of our young • It is possible to observe intra-individual Achievement Foundation’s programmes be- young Spanish people aged 15 to 19 re- people. differences (in the same individual). gan in the 2015/2016 academic year. Over garding certain qualities that represent • The groups of people are not homoge- the last four years, more than 24,900 sur- non-cognitive skills and how admissible neous. veys of students from different Spanish some responsibility- avoiding behaviours ׀.2. What is a • It is scientically rigorous, identifying the provinces were analysed, evaluating a to- are seen to be. We selected young people “ longitudinal effects of the Foundation’s programmes tal of 14 different programmes through from the CIS studies whose sociodemogra- report”? once the specic characteristics of each surveys completed before and after the spe- phic characteristics are similar to those of student have been ruled out. Thus, the cic training. the participants in the Junior Achievement estimated effects can be extrapolated to The survey results demonstrate the im- Foundation’s programmes as a way of It is a scientic research method in which the the whole population of students with the pact that the Foundation’s educational pro- comparing the differences between stu- same group of people is followed over a pe- certainty that it is not due to the specic grammes have on the young people who dents who receive this training and those riod of time, in this case, four years. sample that was studied. . This type of study gathers information on • This is the method recommended by take part in them, i.e. the cognitive and who do not the same child or young person over several experts for the evaluation of human non-cognitive changes that occur in the stu- More specically, the causal effects were years, making it easier to identify and assess development. dents. The surveys ask questions that allow identied at the level of the group of JA par- causal effects more precisely. Specical- • Very useful for establishing strong us to analyse the importance placed by stu- ticipants, given the impossibility to identi- ly, this longitudinal approach makes it pos- cause-effect relationships. dents on a series of qualities or values re- fy them on an individual level in this type of sible to observe the changes that students • The variations observed are independ- lated to the non-cognitive skills on the list evaluation. based It should be noted that only statistically experience as a consequence of their par- ent of factors that remain static in both analysed by Méndez (2014), which is , such as ci- signicant effects are relevant and can be ticipation in the Junior Achievement Foun- the student and the family and school on the World Values Survey , where students are asked to as- replicated. Therefore, in order to make the dation’s educational programmes and how environment. vic capital these changes persist over time, thus prov- sess whether behaviours such as cheating study even more rigorous and reliable, only ing the effectiveness of these programmes. on an exam or taking the bus without pay- effects with an incidence of at least 5% were ing the fare are appropriate. It also includes considered. questions related to their socio-economic The novelty of the study we are presenting context, academic performance, educa- this year compared to those from previous or the number years lies in the fact that this is the rst time we tional and job expectations of unexcused absences from school. This were able to use a longitudinal xed- effects In short, using a longitudinal research method ensures that allows us to measure the dropout rate or en- approach, where we use the information for the results presented in this report are as robust and scien- trepreneurial spirit, essential indicators in the the same students gathered over several tifically sound as possible, and hence that the effects of Junior Foundation’s mission. consecutive years to identify causal effects Achievement’s educational programmes are sustained over At the same time, secondary databases more precisely. More specically, over time time. were analysed to learn about the behaviour this periodic information allows us to identi- of young people who have not participa ted fy causal effects beyond the individual, family, in the Foundation’s programmes, serving as educational or social characteristics that re- counterfactuals to those who have partici- main unchanged over time. Without a doubt, *“Learn by doing” is a practical and active methodology where the students are the protagonists of their own learning, allowing them to develop critical thinking, creativity, argumentation, effective communication, teamwork and self-evaluation skills, among others. 10٪٪UUǼȬƇƤɅ٪ȷɅɍƫɬ JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT 11

this type of longitudinal study was only pos- much information as possible on the same sible thanks to a major effort to adapt the sample of students who, as time goes by, questionnaires and to monitor the schools get older and attend other Junior Achieve- and students over time in order to collect as ment Foundation programmes. SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE AND NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS • Scientific literature • World Values Survey • Centre for Sociological Research (CIS) Universidad DESIGN OF THE • Startup programme EVALUATION AND • Directivos por un día QUESTIONNAIRES COMPARISON RESULTS OBTAINED DISTRIBUTION • Overall findings of the Junior Achievement OF RESULTS programmes • 15/16, 16/17, 17/18 and 18/19 • Differentiation between programmes for primary academic years and secondary education • More than 24,900 surveys ׀.4. Programmes • Comparison of Junior Achievement programmes • 15 programmes included in the study • More than 380 schools CREATION This report summarises the results of the longitudinal evaluation of the following AND ANALYSIS 14 educational programmes OF RESULTS COMPILATION PRIMARY EDUCATION OF RESULTS • Our community • Our city • Our resources ANALYSIS OF THE SAMPLE SECONDARY EDUCATION • Systematisation of the responses • The advantages of staying in SECONDARY EDUCATION, obtained school A LEVELS AND VOCATIONAL • Creation of sample control • Climate entrepreneurship models • Your finances, your future TRAINING • Orienta-T • How does risk affect me? • Partners for a day • Skills for success • Minientrepreneurships 12٪٪٪UǼȬƇƤɅ٪ȷɅɍƫɬ JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT 13

Other examples of the scientic evidence used in this study that conrm the importance of deve- loping non-cognitive skills include: • The Marshmallow Test analysed by Daniel Goleman, where he demonstrates that the delayed gratica- tion reected in the seconds it takes a 5-year-old child to eat a candy when encouraged not to do so is a predictor of personal and professional success 20 years later. • Carol Dweck’s Developmental Mindset Theory, which reinforces the idea that we can increase our brain’s capacity to learn and solve problems. This approach seeks to replace beliefs based on the existence of “xed qualities,” by encouraging self-motivation and self-esteem, internalising that with practice and hard work they can achieve their goals. ׁ. Theoretical framework: • Luigi Guiso, Paola Sapienza and Luigi Zingales’ analysis of the importance of civic capital and how it is non-cognitive skills a predictor of economic growth and societal well-being. Moreover, recent studies demonstrate a close link between civic capital and the shadow economy, tax fraud and trafc accidents. executive functions, so intrinsic to neuropsychological literature is closely related to The concept of the concept of non-cognitive skills. Executive functions are mental processes that associate ideas, move- ments and simple actions and orient them towards the resolution of complex situations (Shallice, 1988). They are conscious, voluntary and efcient processes that coordinate and integrate the more advanced functions of thought, memory, emotions and movement. They are essential for ignoring distractions, con- centrating, sustaining effort, persevering, delaying gratication, etc. As Diamond (2013) points out, the basic executive functions are inhibitory control, cognitive exibility and procedural memory. It is clear that executive functions are related to the non-cognitive skills described as most relevant in the evidence sum- marised in the preceding paragraphs. Better educational outcomes Better employability Social welfare Higher compensation Better quality of life The US Department of Education denes non-cognitive skills, also called soft skills, as the “set of social skills, abilities and personal resources independent of intellectual ability”. In other words, they are a person’s attitude, behaviour and character traits. Non-cognitive skills de- CIVIC CAPITAL termine an individual’s strengths and the ability to be a good leader in the educational and HARD WORK working world. NON-COGNITIVE SKILLS Because of their transversality, these skills are developed in all areas of our lives: per- DELAYED The set of social skills, sonal, educational and occupational. Numerous studies point to these skills as the ones GRATIFICATION abilities and personal resources PERSEVERANCE that inuence the cognitive development of young people, improving their educational and independent of intellectual capacity. occupational outcomes, and hence their well-being in adulthood. SELF-ADVOCACY CREATIVITY Although non-cognitive skills are innate, they are continuously being developed and shaped throughout one’s life, with interventions being most effective the earlier they be- gin and the longer they last over time. This is conrmed by the Perry early intervention programme developed in the United States by several authors led by David Weikart and Walter Mischel CAROL DWECK Heckman Luigi Guiso et al. subsequently analysed by different specialists, such as Heckman. Marshmallow test Growth Perry preschool study Civic capital Scientic evidence shows that the circumstances that characterise the early stages (Daniel Goleman) mindset (David Weikart et al.) Scientific evidence of a person’s life condition their achievements in adulthood. Hence the importance of Delayed Scientific evidence Non-cognitive Here fostering certain skills and aptitudes in young children. gratification Here skills Informative content Scientific evidence Informative content Scientific evidence Here Here Here Here Informative content Informative content Here Here 14 Impact study

IF CURRENTLY… IN ADULTHOOD… …non-cognitive skills and ethical values are developed in the present, from the earliest …they will achieve more positive personal and ages… professional results in the future and become more individually and socially responsible people. …students develop the ability to delay grati- ׂ. Why are non-cognitive cation by performing tasks that lack motivation and involve effort in order to achieve certain …they will avoid procrastination or postpone- skills so important? goals (for example, if a student has developed ment of their responsibility in their personal the ability to delay gratication, he or she will and professional lives, such as late delivery of study instead of playing at a given time and will projects or the failure to save for a rainy day. also be able to put off until the future the satis- They will also nd it easier to work toward faction of a present desire)… non-immediate goals and to manage their personal and family nances and savings. … students have increased educational expec- tations and academic performance, raising their …they will drop out of school at a lower rate awareness of the importance of continuing and become professional adults with greater their education and making an effort now… capacity for work and higher job expectations. …students understand the importance of civic behaviour and are less likely to evade personal responsibility, such as cheating on an exam or …they will have strong moral values that will sneaking onto a bus without paying… prevent them from engaging in anti- social practices. For example: tax or insurance fraud. …students will have fewer unexcused absen- ces from class, creating habits of obligation… Connecting with reality …workplace absenteeism, which is so damaging to the economy, will be reduced. Among the non-cognitive skills identied as the ones that determine educational and em- ployment outcomes, and therefore the well-being that students can achieve in adulthood, After analysing the results of the questionnaires for the youth we nd the capacity for sacrice, delayed gratication, hard work, perseverance, and who attended Junior Achievement training programmes, we ob- civic capital. serve that all the Foundation’s programmes work these skills and Convinced of the importance of working on these skills from childhood in order to achieve obtain positive results in such important aspects as truancy, aca- greater personal and professional well-being in the future, the Junior Achievement Foun- demic performance, entrepreneurial spirit, personal initiative and dation sponsors educational programmes that encourage the development of these skills. Below are several examples of the relationship between the early development of some access to the labour market, as summarised in the next section of non-cognitive skills and the future wellbeing of the beneficiaries. this report. 16٪٪٪UǼȬƇƤɅ٪ȷɅɍƫɬ JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT 17

The effectiveness of the Junior Achievement Foundation’s educational programmes lies in their methodology and their impact on students’ non-cognitive skills. The Foundation’s programmes are not aimed at reinforcing maths, science or language content or reducing school absenteeism, but rather at working on non-cognitive or self-regulation skills in a con- text of cooperation. The positive impact on students’ non-cognitive skills improves their self-condence, motivation and effort and, by extension, their academic performance and behaviour. Another notable aspect is that the programmes usually have a greater impact on stu- dents whose parents do not have university degrees, which supports the conclusion that the Junior Achievement Foundation’s programmes can contribute to reducing social inequality, ׃ؘ Results of the Impact Study having a greater positive impact on young people from less economically favoured house- holds. Analysing these data, we can afrm that Junior Achievement programmes are par- ticularly effective in the ght against social inequality using education as a tool to create opportunities. Finally, this study shows that the Junior Achievement Foundation’s programmes improve students’ growth mindset regardless of their age, i.e. they identify with the idea that it is effort and not innate intellectual capacity that determines the results obtained in life. The skills that Junior Achievement Foundation programmes strive to promote (entrepre- ׃.1. Overall results neurial spirit, self-awareness, emotional and social skills, exibility, among others) are clear- ly and directly related to non-cognitive skills and are essential for concentration, self-control, persevering with a task, etc. The longitudinal analysis conducted during the 2015-2019 academic years conrms that the Junior Achievement Foundation’s programmes, regardless of their length or formal con- tent, have a positive causal effect on numerous dimensions of student development regard- 15% 11% 12% less of age, such as educational and entrepreneurial expectations, the way students identify with values or qualities associated with non-cognitive skills, such as hard work, perseve- EDUCATIONAL UNEXCUSED GROWTH rance, imagination, delayed gratication and the rejection of behaviours contrary to the ge- EXPECTATIONS ABSENCES MINDSET neral interest (civic capital) and the belief that effort, not intellectual ability, is what determines Increase in the Decrease Increase in the belief our achievements in life (growth mindset). expectation of going in unexcused that good results can be on to higher education absences from class achieved through hard work These are very positive results, since scientic evidence shows that the development of non-cognitive skills as children translates into higher occupational and overall well-being in adulthood One notable aspect of these positive effects is that they are not limited to bringing about changes in the evaluations or statements that students make or hold, but also in their be- 18% 14-24% 13% haviour and academic performance. For example, participating in a Junior Achievement ENTREPRENEURIAL NON-COGNITIVE CIVIC CAPITAL Foundation educational programme increases academic performance in the three core SPIRIT SKILLS Increase in behaviours subjects analysed (mathematics, science and language) while reducing truancy. In addition, Increase in Increase in values and qualities that align with in those age groups where it applies, there is a higher percentage of young people helping in expectations for that lead to pr ofessional success the common interest the family business without being paid and a higher percentage who have jobs. self-employment such as independence, hard work, per severance and delayed gratification 18٪٪٪UǼȬƇƤɅ٪ȷɅɍƫɬ JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT 19

Following the same students over several years made it possible to gather the informa- tion needed to identify causal effects in a more precise way, making the study as rigorous and robust as any study intended to identify causal effects can be. The longitudinal Impact Study conrms the positive effects on those values or qualities that the scientic literature has shown to promote lifelong well-being, such as perseverance, imagination, delayed gratication, hard work, civic capital or growth mindset. ׄ. Overall conclusions of the impact study JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT PROGRAMMES PRODUCE SOCIAL RETURNS Scientic evidence suggests that educational programmes, by working on non-cognitive skills, improve students’ job prospects and promote their present and future personal well-being. JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT PROGRAMMES CHANGE BEHAVIOUR Junior Achievement educational programmes not only change students’ identication with their stated preferences but also have a positive inuence on their revealed preferences, i.e. their behaviour. This leads to profound behavioural changes, e.g., reducing truancy and improving their academic performance in mathematics, science or language. JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT PROGRAMMES CHANGE MINDSETS Educational programmes succeed in improving students’ growth mindsets by encouraging them to identify with the idea that it is effort, not innate intellectual ability, which determines life outcomes. JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT programmes work: non-cognitive skills development JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT PROGRAMMES HELP TO REDUCE SOCIAL INEQUALITY For the last four years the Junior Achievement Foundation has been conducting a research Educational programmes typically have a greater impact on young people project on the impact of its educational programmes. from economically disadvantaged households, which helps to reduce the The results obtained during this time conrm the positive causal effects of Junior Achieve- opportunity gap between young people from different backgrounds. ment programmes on students. They also conrm that the younger the students targeted by the programmes and the more programmes that are delivered, the greater the impact and the multiplying effect. That is why Junior Achievement has designed a complete curriculum of programmes from DEMONSTRATED: primary education to university level education to facilitate the development of non-cognitive JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT skills in a structured and sequential manner from the earliest ages. The Impact Study con- rms that the methodology and delivery of these programmes contributes to the develop- PROGRAMMES WORK ment of the participating students’ non-cognitive skills. ׀־٪ Impact study JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT ׀ֿ

ǾǾǾƲɫ٪Uؘ ¤ȯȉǍȯƇǼǼƲ٪ȯƲȷɍdzɅȷ OUR COMMUNITY OUR CITY Description: A 5-session programme for students aged 8-9 in which they learn how Description: A 5-session programme for students aged 9-10 in which they learn how a community functions and their role as citizens and workers. city works and how to manage various businesses. a What students learn: Teamwork and responsible collaboration, reasoned What students learn: Responsible teamwork and collaboration, reasoned decision decision-making, nancial reasoning and basic operations. making, critical thinking and idea development. Objectives: To develop the skills needed to innovate and become entrepreneurs. Objectives: To develop the skills needed to innovate and become entrepreneurs. Results of the longitudinal study of Our Community: Results of the longitudinal study of Our City: • Increases the probability of students wanting to go to university by 38%. • Increases the probability of students wanting to go to university by 27%. • Increases the probability of wanting to be self-employed by 24%. • Increases the probability of wanting to be self-employed by 8%. • Increases the students’ identication with qualities that are crucial to • Increases the students’ identication with qualities that are crucial to personal and 23%), imagination (35%), social wellbeing: hard work (14%), imagination (39%), perseverance (29%) and personal and social wellbeing: hard work ( perseverance (17%). delayed gratication (15%). • Reduces by at least 32% the tolerance for behaviours not aligned with the • Reduces by at least 27% the tolerance for behaviours not aligned with the common interest: cheating on an exam, shoplifting, using public transport common interest: cheating on an exam, shoplifting, using public transport without without paying, etc. paying, etc. • Increases academic performance by at least 8% in mathematics, language • Increases academic performance by at least 11% in mathematics, language and and science, with the greatest improvement among students from less science, with the greatest improvement among students from less advantaged advantaged backgrounds and previously lower achievers. backgrounds and previously lower achievers. • Reduces truancy by 18%. • Reduces truancy by 14%. • Improves the levels of perseverance for tasks that lack intrinsic motivation • Improves the levels of perseverance for tasks that lack intrinsic motivation by 20%. 31%. approximately by approximately • Improves students’ growth mindset by at least 11%, that is, the belief • Improves students’ growth mindset by at least 17%, that is, the belief that hard that hard work and not innate capability is the variable that counts in the work and not innate capability is the variable that counts in the achievement of achievement of good results. good results. JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT ׀׀٪٪UǼȬƇƤɅ٪ȷɅɍƫɬ ׀ׁ

OUR RESOURCES YOUR FINANCES, YOUR FUTURE Description: A 7-session programme for students aged 10 to 13 in which students Description: Programme offered in collaboration with the Spanish Banking Asso- create companies that make environmentally responsible and sustainable products. ciation (Asociación Española de Banca, AEB) intended to provide students aged 13- 15 with the tools needed for nancial decision-making and to raise their awareness of What students learn: Analysis of consequences and decision-making for environ- the importance of nancial literacy and cybersecurity in their lives. mental protection, teamwork, communication skills and nancial literacy. What students learn: Personal nancial planning, understanding the importance Objectives: To develop the skills needed to innovate and become entrepreneurs. of saving and responsible consumption, knowledge of digital banking and potential digital fraud. Results of the longitudinal study of Our Resources: Objectives: To reect on the importance of taking responsibility for their own nances • Increases the probability of students wanting to go to university by 33%. and equip them with the knowledge necessary to make sound nancial decisions. • Increases the probability of wanting to be self-employed by 16%. • Increases the students’ identication with qualities that are crucial to personal Results from the longitudinal study of Your Finances, Your Future: 36%), imagination (31%), independence (42%) and social wellbeing: hard work ( 16%), and delayed gratication (23%). • Increases the probability of students wanting to go to university by 31%. perseverance ( • Reduces by at least 31% the tolerance for behaviours not aligned with the • Increases the probability of wanting to be self-employed by 24%. common interest: cheating on an exam, shoplifting, using public transport without • Increases the students’ identication with qualities that are crucial to personal 17%), imagination (18%), perseverance (19%), paying, etc. and social wellbeing: hard work ( • Increases academic performance by at least 7% in mathematics, language and delayed gratication (21%). science, with the greatest improvement among students from less advantaged • Reduces by at least 21% the tolerance for behaviours not aligned with the backgrounds and previously lower achievers. common interest: cheating on an exam, shoplifting, using public transport without • Reduces truancy by 21%. paying, etc. • Improves the levels of perseverance for tasks that lack intrinsic motivation by • Increases academic performance by at least 7% in mathematics, language and 25%. science, with the greatest improvement among students from less advantaged approximately • Improves students’ growth mindset by at least 16%, that is, the belief that hard backgrounds and previously lower achievers. work and not innate capability is the variable that counts in the achievement of • Reduces truancy by 24%. good results. • Improves the levels of perseverance for tasks that lack intrinsic motivation by 15%. approximately • Improves students’ growth mindset by at least 18%, that is, the belief that hard work and not innate capability is the variable that counts in the achievement of good results. • Increases the proportion of young people helping in the family business without 7%. being paid by • Increases the percentage of young people who have jobs by 11%. JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT ׀ׂ٪٪٪UǼȬƇƤɅ٪ȷɅɍƫɬ ׀׃

THE ADVANTAGES OF STAYING SKILLS FOR SUCCESS IN SCHOOL Description: A 7-session programme for students aged 15-17 focused on deve- Description: Over the course of 5 sessions, the volunteer introduces the students, loping the skills required in today’s job market. Students do a self-analysis of their aged 12-14, to a series of cases and situations that will encourage them to reect on skills, set goals for themselves and learn how to write a CV. the importance of staying in school, such as drawing up a personal budget or a job search workshop. What students learn: Self-awareness, study of skills and interests, effective commu- nication, handling of academic-professional information What students learn: Reasoned decision making, self-awareness, academic- professional information. Objectives: To equip young people with the skills and competencies the labour mar- ket demands. Objectives: To raise students’ awareness of the importance of staying in school while discovering key skills for their future Results from the longitudinal study of Skills for Success: Results of the longitudinal study of the benets • Increases the probability of students wanting to go to university by 12%. of staying in school: • Increases the probability of wanting to be self-employed by 18%. • Increases the students’ identication with qualities that are crucial to personal 19%), imagination (22%), perseverance (24%), • Increases the probability of students wanting to go to university by 21%. and social wellbeing: hard work ( • Increases the probability of wanting to be self-employed by 24%. delayed gratication (10%). • Increases the students’ identication with qualities that are crucial to personal and • Reduces by at least 18% the tolerance for behaviours not aligned with the social wellbeing: hard work (14%), imagination (20%), perseverance (18%) common interest: cheating on an exam, shoplifting, using public transport without and delayed gratication (23%). paying, etc. • Reduces by at least 23% the tolerance for behaviours not aligned with the • Increases academic performance by at least 9% in mathematics, language and common interest: cheating on an exam, shoplifting, using public transport without science, with the greatest improvement among students from less advantaged paying, etc. backgrounds and previously lower achievers. • Increases academic performance by at least 9% in mathematics, language and • Reduces truancy by 7%. science, with the greatest improvement among students from less advantaged • Improves the levels of perseverance for tasks that lack intrinsic motivation by 14%. backgrounds and previously lower achievers. approximately • Reduces truancy by 14%. • Improves students’ growth mindset by at least 13%, that is, the belief that hard • Improves the levels of perseverance for tasks that lack intrinsic motivation by work and not innate capability is the variable that counts in the achievement of 21%. good results. approximately • Improves students’ growth mindset by at least 11%, that is, the belief that hard • Increases the proportion of young people helping in the family business without 8%. work and not innate capability is the variable that counts in the achievement of being paid by good results. • Increases the percentage of young people who have jobs by 12%. • Increases the proportion of young people helping in the family business without being paid by 12%. • Increases the percentage of young people who have jobs by 8%. JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT ׀ׄ٪ Impact study ׀ׅ

PARTNERS FOR A DAY MINIENTREPRENEURSHIPS Description: 15-17 year old students get to see what a real workplace is like by Description: Guided by the teacher, students aged 15-19 get to experience entre- spending a day with a professional in a sector they would like to be a part of in the preneurial decision-making by creating, organising and managing a company (with future. real money, products and customers). What students learn: Teamwork, connection between work and professional ca- What students learn: Creativity, innovation, market research, critical thinking, conict reers, analysis of the requirements and opportunities available in a particular profes- resolution, team management, autonomy, initiative and leadership. sional area. Objectives: To awaken entrepreneurial attitudes, skills and knowledge that will enable Objectives: To offer teens an opportunity to get a close-up look at the reality of work, students to turn ideas into action and develop the skills required in today’s labour as well as the skills they will need to develop to break into their dream profession. market. Results of the longitudinal study of Partners for a Day: Results of the longitudinal study of minientrepreneurships: • Increases the probability of students wanting to go to university by 13%. • Increases the probability of students wanting to go to university by 27%. • Increases the probability of wanting to be self-employed by 8%. • Increases the probability of wanting to be self-employed by 32%. • Increases the students’ identication with qualities that are crucial to personal • Increases the students’ identication with qualities that are crucial to personal and and social wellbeing: imagination (16%), hard work (22%), perseverance (28%), 27%) and delayed gratication (32%). social wellbeing: perseverance ( delayed gratication (14%). • Reduces by at least 18% the tolerance for behaviours not aligned with the • Reduces by at least 23% the tolerance for behaviours not aligned with the common interest: cheating on an exam, shoplifting, using public transport without common interest: cheating on an exam, shoplifting, using public transport without paying, etc. paying, etc. • Increases academic performance by at least 10% in mathematics, language and • Increases academic performance by at least 7% in mathematics, language and science, with the greatest improvement among students from less advantaged science, with the greatest improvement among students from less advantaged backgrounds and previously lower achievers. backgrounds and previously lower achievers. • Reduces truancy by 13%. • Reduces truancy by 6%. • Improves by approximately 25% the levels of perseverance for tasks that lack • Improves the levels of perseverance for tasks that lack intrinsic motivation by intrinsic motivation. 12%. approximately • Increases the proportion of young people helping in the family business without • Increases the percentage of young people who have jobs by 5%. 4%. being paid by • Increases the percentage of young people who have jobs by 8%. • Increases the probability of wanting to be self-employed by 13%. Increases actual employability rate by 13% Lorem ipsum JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT ׀׆٪٪UǼȬƇƤɅ٪ȷɅɍƫɬ ׀ׇ

ORIENTA-T Description: A benchmark space for career guidance, an open and communicative channel for teens aged 14-16 where job opportunities in STEM careers and women’s leadership are shared through inspirational talks and special workshops for students. What students learn: Creation of meeting spaces that promote career guidance HOW DOES RISK AFFECT ME? through recorded talks and workshops. Description: Programme carried out in collaboration with the Spanish Association Objectives: To promote self-awareness and decision-making among young people by of Insurers and Reinsurers (UNESPA). Over the course of 4 sessions, volunteers in- encouraging them to reect on their professional future and promoting STEM careers troduce students aged 14-17 to a series of cases and situations that will encourage and the role of women in leadership. them to reect on the importance of being able to manage and prevent risk and learn about the attitudes and emotions associated with risk, as well as mutualisation and Results of the Orienta-T longitudinal study: the importance of saving. • Increases the probability of students wanting to go to university by 27% for girls What students learn: Risk management, knowledge of oneself and one’s emotions, and 8% for boys. reasoned decision-making. • Increases the probability of students wanting to be self-employed by 28% for girls and 12% for boys. Objectives: To raise awareness of the importance of knowing how to manage • Increases the students’ identication with qualities that are crucial to personal and emotions and attitudes toward risk, while discovering tools and resources for risk 41% for girls), imagination (18% for girls and 9% for prevention. social wellbeing: perseverance ( boys), delayed gratication (21% for girls and 12% for boys). • Reduces by at least 26% the tolerance for behaviours not aligned with the Results of the longitudinal study of How Does Risk Affect Me?: common interest: cheating on an exam, shoplifting, using public transport without 12%. • Increases the probability of students wanting to go to university by 8%. paying, etc. The corresponding percentage for boys is • Increases boys’ academic performance by at least 4% in mathematics, science • Increases the probability of wanting to be self-employed by 13%. and language, with the greatest improvement among students from less • Increases the students’ identication with qualities that are crucial to personal 42%), imagination (15%), perseverance (18%), advantaged backgrounds and previously lower achievers. The corresponding and social wellbeing: hard work ( 9%. delayed gratication (8%). percentage for girls is • Reduces truancy for girls by 13%. • Reduces by at least 6% the tolerance for behaviours not aligned with the • Improves the levels of perseverance for tasks that lack intrinsic motivation by common interest: cheating on an exam, shoplifting, using public transport without 24% among girls. paying, etc. approximately • Improves students’ growth mindset by at least 17% for boys, that is, the belief that • Reduces truancy by 4%. effort, rather than ability, is the variable that mediates the achievement of good • Improves students’ growth mindset by at least 14%, that is, the belief that hard results. The corresponding percentage for girls is 29%. work and not innate capability is the variable that counts in the achievement of • Increases the percentage of girls (boys) who want to study a STEM major by 24% good results. 8%). It also increases the positive view of STEM careers and employability by 27% ( 11% for boys. for girls and • It reduces by 47% for girls and 14% for boys their agreement with the statement: “Raising children and taking care of the house is less of a sacrice for a woman than for a man”. • It also reduces by 47% for girls and 16% for boys their agreement with the statement: “In general, boys are better at maths than girls”. JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT ׁ־٪٪UǼȬƇƤɅ٪ȷɅɍƫɬ ֿׁ

MANAGERS FOR A DAY CLIMATE ENTREPRENEURSHIP Description: Students aged 18 and older get to see what a real workplace expe- Description: Students aged 12-14 develop an innovative solution to the problem of rience is like by spending a day with a manager in a sector they would like to be a climate change by capturing their idea in 300 words and submitting their proposals part of in the future. online. The 20 best ideas will be mentored by corporate volunteers. What students learn: Teamwork, connection between work and professional careers, What students learn: Creativity, innovation, team management, autonomy, initiative, analysis of the requirements and opportunities available in a particular professional leadership, and respect for the environment. area. Objectives: To make young people aware of the importance of the environment by Objectives: To offer university students an opportunity to get a close-up look at a real generating entrepreneurial ideas. workplace and the skills they will need to develop to break into their dream profession. Results of the longitudinal study on Climate Entrepreneurship: Results of the longitudinal study of Managers for a Day: • Increases the probability of students wanting to go to university by 7%. • Increases the probability of wanting to be self-employed by 18%. • Increases the probability of wanting to be self-employed by 5%. • Increases the students’ identication with qualities that are crucial to personal and • Increases the students’ identication with qualities that are crucial to personal social wellbeing: hard work (9%) and delayed gratication (12%). 12%), perseverance (14%), and delayed and social wellbeing: independence ( • Reduces by at least 9% the tolerance for behaviours not aligned with the common gratication (8%). interest: cheating on an exam, shoplifting, using public transport without paying, • Reduces by at least 7% the tolerance for behaviours not aligned with the etc. common interest: cheating on an exam, shoplifting, using public transport without • Increases academic performance by at least 6% in mathematics, language and paying, etc. science, with the greatest improvement among students from less advantaged • Increases academic performance by at least 8% in mathematics with the greatest backgrounds and previously lower achievers. improvement among students from less advantaged backgrounds and previously • Reduces truancy by 11%. lower achievers. • Improves the levels of perseverance for tasks that lack intrinsic motivation by • Reduces truancy by 13%. 31%. approximately • Improves the levels of perseverance for tasks that lack intrinsic motivation by • Increases the proportion of young people helping in the family business without 11%. approximately being paid by 19%. • Improves students’ growth mindset by at least 26%, that is, the belief that hard • Increases the probability of wanting to be self-employed by 8%. work and not innate capability is the variable that counts in the achievement of good results. • Increases the proportion of young people helping in the family business without being paid by 10%. • Increases the percentage of young people who have jobs by 5%. JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT ׁ׀٪ Impact study ׁׁ

INNOVATION CAMP STARTUP PROGRAMME Description: Students are faced with a CHALLENGE: to design an innovative product Description: Over the course of an academic year, students aged 18 and over de- or service that offers a solution to a real problem. They have just one and a half days velop a business plan, which they then present in a national competition, accompa- to develop a business plan and present it to a panel of judges. nied by tutors from the universities and advisors from well-known companies. What students learn: Creativity, innovation, communication skills, critical thinking, What students learn: Leadership, creativity, problem solving, communication tech- proactivity, and entrepreneurial thinking. niques, entrepreneurial skills and business, social and personal skills. Objectives: To develop innovation and entrepreneurial skills, to foster creativity and Objectives: To foster an entrepreneurial spirit and to encourage the training of future develop the techniques needed to develop a business plan. entrepreneurs in the university environment. Results of the longitudinal study of the Innovation Camp: Results of the longitudinal study of the Start-up Programme: • Increases the probability of students wanting to go to university by 6%. • Increases the students’ identication with qualities that are crucial to personal • Increases the probability of wanting to be self-employed by 8%. 14%), perseverance (29%), delayed gratication and social wellbeing: hard work ( • Increases the students’ identication with qualities that are crucial to personal (21%). 17%), perseverance (21%), and delayed • Reduces by at least 12% the tolerance for behaviours not aligned with the and social wellbeing: independence ( gratication (9%). common interest: cheating on an exam, shoplifting, using public transport without • Reduces by at least 11% the tolerance for behaviours not aligned with the paying, etc. common interest: cheating on an exam, shoplifting, using public transport without • Improves by approximately 18% the levels of perseverance for tasks that lack paying, etc. intrinsic motivation. • Increases academic performance by at least 7% in mathematics, science and • Increases the proportion of young people helping in the family business without 16%. language, with the greatest improvement among students from less advantaged being paid by backgrounds and previously lower achievers. • Reduces truancy by 7%. • Improves the levels of perseverance for tasks that lack intrinsic motivation by 19%. approximately • Improves students’ growth mindset by at least 18%, that is, the belief that hard work and not innate capability is the variable that counts in the achievement of good results. • Increases the percentage of young people who have jobs by 5%. JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT ׁׂ٪ Impact study ׁ׃

• Castro San Miguel Secondary School • Gran Capità Secondary School • Casvi Boadilla del Monte School • Grande Covian Secondary School • CEU San Pablo Sanchinarro School • Gredos San Diego Las Suertes School ǾǾǾƲɫ٪UUUؘ٪ƤǯǾȉɦdzƲƫǍƲǼƲǾɅȷ • Ciudad de los Muchachos School • Hermanos Machado Secondary School • Clara Campoamor Secondary School • Highlands School Sevilla • Claret Barcelona School • Hijas de la Caridad Nuestra Señora de Begoña • Claret Madrid School School • Claret Segovia School • Hispalis Secondary School • Claver Lleida School • Hogar del Buen Consejo School • Complutense University of Madrid • IES Adolfo Suárez Secondary School • Conde Orgaz Secondary School • Infanta Isabel d’Arago Primary and Secondary • Condesa Eylo Alfonso Secondary School School • Constanti i Perafort Primary and Secondary • International School San Patricio School • International University of Catalonia • Corazón de María-Claretianos School • IPSI School We would like to thank the 382 centres of learning (universities, primary and secondary • Corazonistas Vitoria School • Isaac Newton Secondary School schools, day centres and vocational schools) and their faculties and staff who have con- • Corpus Christi School • Isbilya Secondary School tributed to entrepreneurial education from the classroom as part of the Junior Achievement • Divina Pastora School • Jaume I Secondary School • Duque de Rivas Secondary School • Jesús María García Noblejas School Foundation’s programmes, and especially for their commitment to this project: • Eijo y Garay Secondary School • Jesús Maria Juan Bravo Madrid School • El Ave María School • Jesús Maria Sant Gervasi School • El Campico Vocational School • Jimena Menendez Pidal Secondary School • “La Inmaculada” School • Apostol Santiago School • El Carmelo School • Jimenez de Quesada Secondary School • “Virgen del Buen Suceso” La Robla (León) • Arnau Cadell Primary and Secondary School • El Espinillo Secondary School • Joan Coromines Secondary School Vocational School • Arquitecto Peridis Secondary School • El Grao Secondary School • Joan Pelegri School • A Pinguela Secondary School • Arturo Soria School • Elorrio BHI Seconday School • Joaquin Turina Secondary School • ACI -San José Esclavas Educational Foundation • Arzobispo Morcillo Private School • Emilio Castelar Secondary School • Joaquín Turina Secondary School • Aguas Vivas Secondary School • Astorga Secondary School • Emperatriz Mª de Austria Secondary School • Jorbalán Adoratrices Vocational School • Agustín Gericó School • Asuncion Cuestablanca School • Enrique Tierno Galván School • Jorge Juan Secondary School • Aixerrota Secondary School • Ausiàs March Secondary School • ESADE University • Jose Saramago Secondary School • Alameda de Osuna School • Autonomous University of Barcelona • Esclavas del Sagrado Corazón de Jesus School • José Zerpa Secondary School • Alamos School • Autonomous University of Madrid • Esclavas del Sagrado Corazón Multi-lingual • Josep Sureda i Blanes Secondary School • Alauda School • Ave María School Primary School • Juan Bosco School • Alberto Durero Sevilla German School • Badalonès School • Esclavas Tiboli School • Juan de Garary Secondary School • Alborán School • Balder School • ESIC University • Juan de la Cierva School • Aldovea School • Baleares Secondary School • Espíritu Santo School • Juan de Valdés School • Alfonso X El Sabio Secondary School • Barrio Simancas Secondary School • Estudiantes Las Tablas School • Juan Rubio Ortiz Secondary School • Alfonso X el Sabio University • Belén Secondary School • European School • Julio Verne Secondary School • Aljarafe School • Bell-lloc del pla School • European University • Kensington School • Almoraima Secondary School • Bidebieta LHII Vocational School • Ezequiel González Secondary School • King’s College Soto de Viñuelas • Alonso Quesada Secondary School • Bienaventurada Virgen María Irlandesas • Federica Montseny Secondary School • King’s College Madrid • Alto Almanzora Secondary School • Bosc de la Coma Primary and Secondary School • Federico García Lorca Secondary School • La Aljorra School • Alto Guadiana Secondary School • Brains School • Federico Mayor Zaragoza Secondary School • La Azucarera Secondary School • Alyanub Secondary School • Calasancio School • Fidiana Secondary School • La Corolla School • Amanecer School • Calderón de la Barca Secondary School • Fonte Díaz Touro School • La ferreria Primary and Secondary School • Amor de Dios School • Campos y torozos Secondary School • Francesc Ferrer I Guardia Secondary School • La Inmaculada - PP. Escolapios de Getafe School • Andalan Secondary School • Carabelas Secondary School • Francisco de Vitoria University • La Jara Secondary School • Andel School • Cardenal Herrera Oria Secondary School • Fray Pedro de Urbina Secondary School • La Milagrosa School • Andreu Alfaro Secondary School • Carlos Castilla del Pino Secondary School • Front Maritim Primary and Secondary School • La Salle Arucas School • Andreu Sempere Secondary School • Carlos III of Madrid University • Fundación Escuela Teresiana School • La Salle Bilbao School • Anna Gironella de Mundet Primary and Secondary • Carpe Diem Secondary School • Garbi Pere Vergés School • La Salle Santiago School School • Carreño Miranda Secondary School • García Lorca Secondary School • Laguna de Joatzel Secondary School • Antamira School • Casa de la Virgen School • Gaudem School • Las Acacias School • Antonio Calvin Secondary School • Castellet Primary and Secondary School • Gerardo Diego Secondary School • Las Artes School • Antonio Machado School • Castilblanco Secondary School • Gil de Zatico Secondary School • Las encinas Secondary School 36٪٪UǼȬƇƤɅ٪ȷɅɍƫɬ JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT 37

• Las Fuentezuelas Secondary School • Nit de L`albà Secondary School • Sagrado Corazón de Celanova Primary School • Santos Isasa Secondary School • Las Lagunas Secondary School • Nº5 Secondary School • Sagrado Corazón de Jesús (Salesianas) School • Seis Segundo de Chomón Secondary School • Las Rozas 1 Secondary School • Norfolk School • Sagrado Corazón de Jesús School • SEK Atlántico School • Las Salinas Fuengirola Secondary School • Nuestra señora de Begoña Santutxu School • Sagrado Corazón Reparadoras School • Sek Ciudalcampo School • Las Salinas Valladolid Secondary School • Nuestra Señora Del Carmen School • Sagrado Corazón Sarriá School • SEK El Castillo School • Las Tablas Valverde School • Nuestra Señora del Lucero School • Sagrado Corazón School • Selgas Secondary School • Leonardo Da Vinci Secondary School • Nuestra Señora del Pilar School • Salesiano Mª Auxiliadora School • Senara School • Leopoldo Cano Secondary School • Nuestra Señora del Recuerdo School • Salesianos San Jose Artesano School • Sierra Blanca School • Les Corts Primary and Secondary School • Nuestra Señora del Rosario School • Salvador Espriu Primary and Secondary School • Sierra del Agua Secondary School • Liceo La Paz School • Obispo Perello School • San Alberto Magno School • Simancas Secondary School • Lloixa Secondary School • Orvalle School • San Alfonso School • Sta. María del Pilar School • Logos International School • Pablo de Olavide Secondary School • San Cayetano School • Technologic School of Barcelona • Los Angeles Getafe School • Padre Damian Sagrados Corazones School • San Cernín School • Tetuan de las Victorias Secondary School • Los Ángeles Las Palmas School • Padre Manyanet School • San Fulgencio Secondary School • Tomás Bretón Secondary School • Los Ángeles Secondary School • Padre Piquer Vocational School • San Ignacio de Loyola School • Torre Almenara Secondary School • Los Olmos School • Padres Somascos School • San Ignacio Jesuitas School • Torre de los Guzmanes Secondary School • los Robles School • Palcam School • San Ignacio Torrelodones School • Torrenova School • Los Tilos School • Palma School • San Isidoro de Sevilla Secondary School • Torrevillano School • Loyola University • Parque Aluche Secondary School • San Isidro Secondary School • Trinity College • Luis Bruñel Secondary School • Patrocinio de Maria School • San Jaime School • University of Alcalá • Madre Alberta School • Pau Altés Orpinell • San José Jesuitak Durango School • University of Almería • Madre de Dios School • Paula Montal ikastetxea School • San José Moreno Nieto School • University of La Laguna • Maesto Matías Bravo Secondary School • Pedro Salinas Secondary School • San Juan Bautista Salesianos Estrecho School • University of Málaga • Manuel Fraga Iribarne Secondary School • Peñamayor School • San Luis de los Franceses School • University of Mondragón • Mare De Déu De L’Olivar ll School • Pérez Galdós Secondary School • San Miguel Arcángel School • University of Sevilla • Mare de Déu dels Àngels School • Pia Sant Antoni School • San Miguel Primary School • University of Valencia • Mare Nostrum Secondary School • Pinar de la rubia Secondary School • San Miguel School • University of Vic • Margarita Salas Secondary School • Pineda School • San Pablo CEU University • Valdefuentes School • María Auxiliadora Salesianos Vigo School • Pirineos Secondary School • San Patricio English School • Valdelatas Migrant Shelter • María Inmaculada School • Plurilingüe de Seixalbo School • San Patricio Toledo School • Valentin Turienzo Secondary School • María Irlandesas Leioa School • Plus Ultra Vocational Training • San Pedro Apóstol ikastetxea School • Valle del Almanzora Secondary School • María Moliner Secondary School • Politecnico Secondary School • San Roque Secondary School • Vedruna Carabanchel School • Marista Santa María School • Polytechnic University of Catalonia • San Saturio School • Vedruna Tona School • Maristas de Chamberí School • Polytechnic University of Madrid • Santa Catalina de Sena School • Vega del Pirón Secondary School • Maristas El Pilar School • Polytechnic University of Valencia • Santa Eugenia Secondary School • Veleta Secondary School • Marqués de Suanzes Secondary School • Ponce de León School • Santa Gema GalganiI School • Venancio Blanco Secondary School • Martín García Ramos Secondary School • Ponce de León Secondary School • Santa Joaquina de Vedruna School • Veritas Secondary School • Matemático Puig Adam Secondary School • Profesor Enrique Tierno School • Santa Mª de Guía Secondary School • Vicente Espinel Secondary School • MENDILLORI Secondary School • Pureza de María Los Realejos School • Santa María de Gracia School • Vigán Secondary School • Menesiano School • Pureza de María School • Santa Maria de los volcanes School • Villa de Valdemoro Secondary School • Menor Nuestra Señora de Loreto School • Rafael Alberti Secondary School • Santa María del Camino School • Vinyet Primary and Secondary School • Mercè Rodoreda Primary and Secondary School • Raimundo Lulio School • Santa María del Mar School • Vinyet Secondary School • Miguel de Cervantes School • Ramiro de Maeztu Secondary School • Santa María la Blanca School • Virgen del Espinillo Secondary School • Mirabal School • Ramon y Cajal School • Santa Teresa (Canarias) School • Virgen del Remedio School • Monteagudo School • Ramón y Cajal Secondary School • Santa Teresa (Huelva) School • Virgen Niña School • Montealto School • Regina Carmeli School • Santísimo Sacramento School • Virolai School • Montevives Secondary School • Rey Juan Carlos University • Santo Ángel School • Zalima School • Montserrat School • Rey Pastor Secondary School • Santo Domingo de Güímar School • Zola Villafranca School • Moratalaz Secondary School • Rio Tormes Vocational School • Santo Domingo School • Zurbarán School • Natividad de Nuestra Señora School • Rovira i Virgili University • Navarro Villoslada Secondary School • Sagrada Familia Jorge Juan School • Nazaret Oporto School • Sagrada Familia Multi-lingual Primary School • Nazaret San Blas School • Sagrada Familia SAFA de Urgel School • Nebrija University • Sagrada Familia School • Nicolás Copérnico Secondary School • Sagrado Corazón Chamartín School 38٪٪٪UǼȬƇƤɅ٪ȷɅɍƫɬ JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT 39

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Junior Achievement Spain C/ Príncipe de Vergara, 197. 1ºB 28002 Madrid | Spain Telephone number: +34 914 176 781 [email protected] www.fundacionjaes.org 42 Impact study