Entrepreneurship Education: A road to success The study team defined that a key requirement for establishing a causal chain is that an impact (measured change) can be clearly linked to a specific intervention. A considerable amount of time might have passed between an action (e.g. founding a company or becoming self-employed) and an entrepreneurial education activity. Other contextual and structural factors (e.g. family history and economic conditions) and other drivers of entrepreneurship outside of the educational system all have the potential to generate impact as well. Yet, robust and credible causal linkages between an intervention and specific changes need to be established. In other words, evidence is needed which proves that initiative A is a cause for the change measured on B. Figure 2.2 shows a hypothetical example of a causal chain of evidence. In reality, such chains are often difficult to establish. Nevertheless, during the study, several examples were identified which collected evidence of change on specific levels and pointed to effects on other levels as well (see sections 3-5). 19

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