Entrepreneurship Education: A road to success Table 3.1 The cases providing evidence on the impact of entrepreneurship education strategies Type Cases Key characteristics Evidence on impact 1 National Foundation for FFE-YE is a national knowledge centre supporting Impact measurement is annually reported Strategy Entrepreneurship - Young the implementation of entrepreneurial education in by FFE-YE and so far four impact Enterprise (FFE-YE), Denmark, Denmark at all educational levels. Relevant target measurement reports have been published 2010-2013, http://www.ffe- groups include actors from primary and secondary (from 2010 to 2013). Impact is measured ye.dk/ school and higher education. in all levels of education at the end of the school year. 2 National The Entrepreneurship In 2007, the Netherlands launched a Regular surveys (on a two-year cycle) strategy Education National Action Plan comprehensive National Action Plan that targeted measured progress against the two main 2007-2012 (Netherlands), all educational levels and funded a variety of goals of the Action Plan. In addition, http://www.rvo.nl/subsidies- projects in primary, secondary, secondary several independent evaluations measured regelingen/actieprogramma- vocational and Higher Education. the success of the projects funded. onderwijs-en-ondernemen 3 National Action Plan 8Entrepreneurship in The Action Plan is a broad initiative to further The strategy was accompanied by an strategy Education and Training 3 from implement entrepreneurship education throughout ongoing evaluation of its implementation, compulsory school to higher the whole education system. It is based on a cross- comprising several impact assessments education 2009320149, Norway, ministerial collaboration, between the Ministry of covering all levels of education (2010- 2010-2014, Education and Research, the Ministry of Trade and 2014). http://www.regjeringen.no/en/ Industry and the Ministry of Local Government and dep/kd/documents/reports- Regional Development. and- actionplans/Actionplans/2009/e ntrepreneurship-in-education- and-traini.html?id=575005 4 National Unlocking the UK talent, A 2008 White Paper formulated policy objectives. There was a review and evaluation of the Strategy Enterprise Education in UK- Subsequently several funding opportunities were impact of enterprise education in England, 2008-2011, created, distributed by the Department for secondary schools in England, including http://webarchive.nationalarchi Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), (then the most useful support and tools for ves.gov.uk/20081201222039/h Department for Education (DfE)). ensuring effective teaching and learning. ttp://www.berr.gov.uk/whatwe do/enterprise/enterprisesmes/e nterprise- framework/index.html 22

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