Entrepreneurship Education: A road to success  the number of actions started will make a school or university more attractive to investors, stakeholders, high-profile students and staff members 3 in short: Entrepreneurship leads to more entrepreneurship. Figure 7.3 shows how the effects of entrepreneurship education accumulate over time and over educational levels. Figure 7.3 Accumulation of effects over time and educational levels 237 Source: FFE-YE , adapted to this study Figure 7.3 does not show impact on society because (aside from evidence for the 8side effect9 of greater engagement of stakeholders in education) very little evidence was found of how entrepreneurship education supports broader activity in the social sphere. However, as stated in Section 6, the positive impact that entrepreneurship education can have on society can be inferred from other types of impact. New ventures or creation of job opportunities (which concern economic impact) can 237 http://eng.ffe-ye.dk/media/45510/pact-of-Entrepreneurship-Education-in-Denmark-2010.pdf 88

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