Entrepreneurship Education: A road to success  Institutional change towards entrepreneurialism is most effective when both management and teaching staff are 8on-board9. Evidence shows that a coordinated approach to establish teacher9s trust in management is a key success factors for the establishment of an entrepreneurial culture in educational institutions. An incentive system to reward teachers9 actions towards effective implementation of the entrepreneurship education strategy was found to be helpful.  To fully achieve economic impact, entrepreneurship education should be embedded in an entrepreneurship ecosystem. Students9 entrepreneurial intentions will be more sustainable if entrepreneurship education is complemented by guidance, access to funding, business networks etc. which support their plans and ideas. Model cases like the MIT excel through a comprehensive entrepreneurship ecosystem and a supportive climate for start-ups.  Networking and mentoring prove to be important means of support. The case of the MIT shows that students appreciate the 8Entrepreneurial Network9 (alumni and other members of the local business community) and informal interaction with faculty members. This highlights the importance that budding entrepreneurs attribute to networking and mentoring, which includes learning from personal experiences as well as benefitting from the business contacts and information networks.  High visibility of support and guidance offers is of crucial importance, especially in the development period. New services and learning opportunities need to be promoted 3 especially when they are innovative. An investment in communication and dissemination measures needs to be made to support the uptake and intended change.  Supporting entrepreneurship will bring more entrepreneurship. While the reputation of an educational institution as an entrepreneurship- promoting institution increases, more entrepreneurial students and staff members will be attracted. This self-selection process significantly contributed to the development of the entrepreneurial ecosystem at MIT.  8What gets measured gets done9: Entrepreneurship education should be an indicator that is part of the official quality assurance procedures of schools and universities. In many cases, educational institutional are more likely to embed entrepreneurship education when they need to report on it and are therefore accountable. 90

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