Entrepreneurship Education: A road to success 5 The impact of individual entrepreneurship education measures and initiatives 5.1 Introduction The previous two sections presented evidence on the impact of entrepreneurship education policy strategies and measures taken at the institutional level. This section considers the impact of entrepreneurship education practice 3 hence individual courses, measures and initiatives of entrepreneurship education identified during the study. Similar to the previous sections, this section considers the objectives and inputs/activities of the measures and initiatives and presents evidence of their impact on: students, the economy; and, society. Individual entrepreneurship education measures and initiatives Entrepreneurship education practice can take several forms of delivery which include:  business master studies;  curricular modules, courses or projects; (at all levels of formal education);  extracurricular courses or projects (at all levels of formal and non-formal education);  creativity classes on diverse topics; and  variants in teaching methods. Working methods from entrepreneurship education are applied in various subjects; the approach is not at all limited to business subjects. For the student, creativity courses and variants in teaching methods especially might not even be evidently 8entrepreneurship education9. This section presents evidence from 29 different studies, academic articles and other types of sources (see overview in Annex 3). This includes evidence 124 gathered in the case studies undertaken for this study. One case study was undertaken on JA-YE, a provider of entrepreneurship education with 39 national and regional Member organisations in Europe and a strong representation in the USA and Canada. The JA-YE case study provided many relevant examples of impact measurement carried out across Europe and is therefore referred to extensively. 124 The case studies are available as a separate document. 56

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