Entrepreneurship Education: A road to success SEECEL explicitly included impact on society in its objectives. In the long run, SEECEL aims to foster 8entrepreneurial literate societies9 in its eight member 90 countries. Evidence that this can be achieved was found and policy level changes were initiated. Pilot projects leading to broader policy initiatives In all eight SEECEL countries, the activities of SEECEL led to policy initiatives which promoted the integration of entrepreneurship education into school 91 curricula and practices. A 8Charter for Entrepreneurial Learning: the Keystone for Growth and Jobs9 was ratified in 2012. This was a notable success of SEECEL. 90 Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia, Macedonia and Turkey. 91 http://www.seecel.hr/; http://www.seecel.hr/eight-seecel-member-states-supported-a-charter-for- entrepreneurial-learning-the-keystone-for-growth-and-jobs 43

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