Entrepreneurship Education: A road to success  Courses and classes: Schools and universities introduce entrepreneurship education in the form of individual courses and classes. These can take different forms and can be offered either by the institution or by external providers. 1.3 Why is it important to measure impact? Processes for measuring the impact of entrepreneurship education are often set up in parallel to implementing a programme, initiative or a strategy as part of the overall monitoring. The results are then usually used for the evaluation of a public policy12. Impact measurement facilitates both the assessment of the progress and quality of participants9 learning, and the programme, initiative or strategy per se. Measuring the impact of an educational programme or strategy aims at demonstrating if, after the intervention, there is an observable shift. For example, this can relate to participants9 knowledge, skills and views; the atmosphere and perceptions that run across the institution; the economy; or, society more generally. Measuring the impact can demonstrate what works and can be used as a basis to explore why it worked (or didn9t). Data on and understanding of the impact can function as a feedback loop, stressing possible areas for improvement or that a programme/initiative does not serve its goals and resources should be allocated elsewhere. In times of stringent state budgets, this is of great importance. Therefore, impact measurement, which encompasses outcomes and results (see section 2.1 on the use of the terms), is a means for evidence-based policy making at governmental and institutional levels. Using pre-set goals as a benchmark, impact measurement can contribute to forecasting expected outcomes of entrepreneurship education. From an institutional/provider9s perspective, evidence of what works facilitates the promotion of a programme/initiative and the engagement of sponsors/funding sources (whether public or private). For example, according to Young Enterprise (UK), the publication of the impact 13 study they ran (

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