w e i v r e v O PREVENTING SCHOOL DROPOUT I A d AND EMPOWERING YOUTH n a l a t i With g i D e t a r e l e c c 3 10 415K 6,5 MLN A Years Countries Students Budget d UniCredit Foundation, the Corporate Foundation of UniCredit Group, in collaboration with Junior e v Achievement Europe, has launched "Re-power Your Future", an initiative aimed at preventing early r e s school leaving and empowering youth across ten European countries. The UniCredit Foundation is r e d investing €6.5 million in this three-year programme, which targets 10–19-year-old students, a critical age n U group for further education and future labour market integration. e h t r e The initiative has been rolled out in Austria, w o Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, The Foundation’s partnership with JA Europe will help us to do this by p directly combatting one of the major challenges our continent’s educators m Hungary, Italy, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, E face at this moment: school dropout rates, which stifle employment and Slovenia. In the first year of the "Re- opportunities and leave a lasting impact on lifetime earnings. Power Your Future" partnership 10 Andrea Orcel, Chairman of UniCredit Foundation s participating countries developed a p i h multifacted set of strategies to adress the s r e needs of the most vulnerable youth and n t mitigate school drop-out risk. r Together, UniCredit Foundation and JA Europe have the ambition to a P change the landscape of Europe’s education systems by significantly e t preventing and reducing the current rates of school dropout. By combining skills-building programmes a v i and real-world exposure it addresses the Salvatore Nigro, CEO of JA Europe t l u multifaceted challenges faced by C underserved youth. By targeting high-risk areas, providing tailored interventions, and A J offering mentoring and guidance, the I have learned that to succeed in achieving your dreams, you need a lot of e hard work and determination. I have learned that I need to have the n project enhances the prospects of O courage to experiment, to trust myself, to set goals, and to seek resources students, helping them stay in school and n to achieve them, without being discouraged by the negative opinions of e t build a foundation for future success. those around me. h g JA student from Romania n e r t S 4 2 0 2 E - n e G s l a i c n a n i F e p o r u E A J t u o b A 2023/2024 Annual Report - JA Europe 16

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