14 W O R K R E A D I N E S S F I N A N C I A L L I T E R A C Y JA JOB SHADOW: During a visit to a professional work environment, students face a series of challenges to problem-solving. JA COMPANY PROGRAMME: Secondary students form their own real enterprise and discover first- hand how a company functions. They elect a board of directors from amongst their peers, raise share capital, and market and finance a product or service of their own choice. JA ITS MY BUSINESS: Students anticipate customers wants and needs, create a detailed business plan, participate in a pitch session, and embrace entrepreneurial thinking. JA INNOVATION CAMPS: Students address a specific business challenge and come up with business ideas that would solve the problem. JA MORE THAN MONEY: Students learn to earn, spend, save, give, and start a business. JA START-UP PROGRAMME: University students develop a product, create a company, and manage their business from start to finish. JA ECONOMICS FOR SUCCESS: Students build strong personal finances and explore career options based on their skills, interests, and values. JA OUR COMMUNITY: Students explore the different jobs in a community, learn the basics about economics and financial decision making. E N T R E P R E N E U R S H I P EDUCATION MATTERS THE JA EXPERIENCE

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