Less than 50% of adults in the EU believe that they have the necessary skills and knowledge to start a business. Europe is facing persistent challenges such as youth unemployment, slow economic growth, uneven educational opportunities and strategies, as well as a One in deepening migration crisis. Young people need to be as 5 best-prepared as possible to cope with the fast pace of change in the labour market and in society in general. young people was unemployed in 2016, peaking at one out of In response, the European Commission launched in 2016 two in some countries. its New Skills Agenda for Europe in order to address the quality, harmonization and relevance of skills and quali昀椀cations. There is a particular focus on policies that better support young people’s entrepreneurial potential and future employability. JA equips young people with 5. Europe needs to invest more the skills they need to own their in people, in their skills, in their economic success. ability to adapt and in their capacity to innovate. JA EUROPE / Annual Report 2016 23

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